elementor made simple- especially for non-techies! (elementor tutorial)

short introduction to elementor

In simple terms, Elementor is a plug-in that brings its own tools in wordpress and makes website creation(page building) an easy task. All you have to do is drag the features or widgets from the sidebar and drop where you want add.

steps to get started with elementor

From wordpress dashboard’s plugin option- click Add New search for Elementor install and activate it. Elementor settings page appears, checkbox the pages you want to edit with Elementor.

    Now go to appearance tab>click on customize. Once your website opens choose edit with Elementor which is located on the top bar. If edit with Elementor option does not appear on top bar of your webpage, Go to settings of Elementor from dashboard sidebar and checkbox the options like posts, pages, headers, footers etc.

editing with elementor

Those 9 square dots on upper right corner navigates you to widget page(as shown in above image)

You can add widgets according to your need drag the widgets and drop on desired place . Its simple, widget adds elements as their name suggest like header adds heading, text editor adds paragraph similarly there are image, video, google maps etc. To edit any section on template select the section and check Elementor panel to edit.

For e.g. you want to edit the heading on your home page hover over the heading>left click>edit heading sidebar appears. From Content you can change title & other writing part. From style you can edit image and the look/view/design of the heading. From advanced option, you can edit margin, padding, custom css, edit border, add or remove motion effects, edit background, change default width/position etc.

        Those 3 lines on upper left corner display settings( site setting, theme builder, user preferences).

Should we buy elementor pro or go with free version

If you can buy pro version you should definitely buy. Pro version unlocks all widgets and different elements. But if you can’t still you can use widgets that are available in pro version for this you need to add new plugins (like elementor addons, livemesh addons etc) Do not add lot of plugins it makes your site heavy.

Special widgets

  1. Accordion-This widget adds topics, question answers etc in short format, it uncovers  to its full width when you click on heading and hides when you click on next.
  2. Toggle- This is similar to accordion, it uncovers when you click on heading but do not hide automatically when you move ahead yo have to click again to hide it.
  3. Image carousel– it helps you add images in sliding format(image slideshow).

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